目录类型 |
Eclipse |
IDEA(Android Studio) |
代码根目录 |
/ |
src/main |
adil文件 |
/src |
[代码根目录]/aidl |
java文件 |
/src |
[代码根目录]/java |
assets文件 |
/assets |
[代码根目录]/assets |
jni文件 |
/jni |
[代码根目录]/jni |
jnilibs文件 |
/libs |
[代码根目录]/jniLibs |
res文件 |
/res |
[代码根目录]/res |
AndroidMainfest.xml |
AndroidMainfest.xml |
[代码根目录]/AndroidMainfest.xml |
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| def copyTargetDir(){ copy{ from 'myCopy' into 'copyTarger/files' } } task executeTask<<{ copyTargetDir() }
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| def deleteTargetDir(){ File file = file("${project.rootDir}/copyTarger/files") println file.getAbsolutePath() if(file.exists()){ file.deleteDir() } } task executeTaskCopy<<{ deleteTargetDir() }
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| task echoDirListViaAntBuilder() { description = 'Uses the built-in AntBuilder instance to echo and list files' //Docs: //Echo the Gradle project name via the ant echo plugin ant.echo(message: ant.echo(path) ant.echo("${projectDir}/samples") println 'test' //Gather list of files in a subdirectory ant.fileScanner{ fileset(dir:"samples") }.each{ //Print each file to screen with the CWD (projectDir) path removed. println it.toString() - "${projectDir}" } } echo : $ bash run-example.bsh [ant:echo] ant-antbuilder [ant:echo] :echoDirListViaAntBuilder [ant:echo] E:\github\oreilly-gradle-book-examples\ant-antbuilder/samples test \samples\one.txt \samples\three.txt \samples\two.txt :echoDirListViaAntBuilder UP-TO-DATE
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| $ cat build.gradle ant.importBuild 'build.xml' defaultTasks = ['antStandAloneHello', 'afterTheAntTask'] task beforeTheAntTask << { println "A Gradle task that precedes the Ant target" } task afterTheAntTask(dependsOn: "antHello") << { println "A Gradle task that precedes the Ant target" } Administrator@whhqhy /cygdrive/e/github/oreilly-gradle-book-examples/ant-antdependsongradle $ cat build.xml <project> <target name="antStandAloneHello"> <echo message="A stand-alone hello from an Ant target"/> </target> <target name="antHello" depends="beforeTheAntTask"> <echo message="A dependent hello from the Ant target"/> </target> </project> echo: $ gradle :antStandAloneHello [ant:echo] A stand-alone hello from an Ant target :beforeTheAntTask A Gradle task that precedes the Ant target :antHello [ant:echo] A dependent hello from the Ant target :afterTheAntTask A Gradle task that precedes the Ant target BUILD SUCCESSFUL